The Nkoranza South Municipal Assembly held its First Ordinary general assembly meeting on Wednesday 26th June 2024, at the Municipal Assembly Conference Hall. The meeting started at 11:10 am with a prayer by Hon. Kwame Baffoe-Adjei. The Presiding Member, Hon. Daniel Appiah, conducted a roll-call of Hon. Assembly Members. Forty (38) Members were present. The Hon. Presiding Member (PM) welcomed Hon. Members to the meeting and thanked them for coming.  He also advised Hon members to preach peace to their electorates since this is an election year. The Hon Presiding Member further introduced the new Coordinating Director to the House.

After the introduction by the Hon Presiding member, matters arising from the previous minutes and actions taken was read out to the general house to know the various actions taken. This includes Dotobaa Clinic, the updates on the Nkoranza Town Roads where the Urban Roads Engineer responded that most of the stumps have been uprooted and the rest will soon be done, the faulty street lights, the dilapidated toilet at the new market and that of Kasadjan, the Akuma SDA Basic school and Donkro-Nkwanta M/A buildings, where the Municipal Works Engineer responded that, all documents had been prepared and awaiting for funds to start those projects, the Ex-gratia of Hon. Members, and the piled refuse dumps within the Municipality.

After matters arising from previous minutes were tackled, The Sessional Address was presented by Hon. Dr Augustine Kwasi Amoateng, the Municipal Chief Executive of the Nkoranza South Municipal Assembly. After his presentation, Hon. Adjei Kwame Adu Gyamfi moved for the acceptance and discussion of the report, and he was seconded by Hon. Thomas Boateng Boakye. The House unanimously accepted the report for discussion. Some of the issues been discussed within the seasonal address is Security, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, Special Revenue Mobilization Exercise by Management, Indiscipline of some Drivers and Effectiveness of the Zonal Council

After the Seasonal address by the Municipal Chief Executive, there was a brief presentation by the Head of VRA/NEDCO and the Managing Director of Nkoranza Water Supply System. The NEDCO/VRA boss in his presentation stated that, the power system in Nkoranza and its environs has in improved significantly unlike previously when it used to fluctuate. He said this was occasioned as a result of some conductor upgrade and also some changes in most of the transformers especially that of Sessiman. He however, said that some of the cashew plantations are impeding some of their wires. . He acknowledged that some progress have been made since he took over as the MD. That notwithstanding, the MD said one major challenge they have to deal with is that whenever there are power outages, it affects their boosting system which interrupts the water supply.

The Hon. Presiding Member (PM) thanked Members for their dedication and asked Management to implement the decisions taken. The Hon. Presiding Member wished all Hon. Members travelling mercies on their journey back home. In the absence of further deliberations, Hon. Kwame Adu – Gyamfi moved a motion for the adjournment of the Meeting and his motion was seconded by Hon. Eric Adjei – Siakwan. Hon. Benjamin Kodom offered a prayer at 6:00pm.  The meeting was adjourned.

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